Kookum’s Place Daycare

Professionally trained and certified childhood educators plan age appropriate activities. All the Seven Sacred Teachings and Medicine Wheel philosophy are incorporated into daily programming. If you are attending a function within the Centre, Kookum’s offers a drop-in service. Children are cherished on the principal that “It takes a whole village to raise a child”. Subsidized spaces available.

Kookum’s Place Daycare is a non-profit centre, licensed for 49 children – ages 3 months to age 6.
Kookum’s Daycare incorporates the Seven Sacred Teachings: Love, Honesty, Humility, Truth, Bravery, Wisdom and Respect, into the children’s daily program.

As well as 2 snacks a day, Kookum’s Daycare has a full lunch program at no extra cost to the parents.
The Daycare has a summer program that includes, field trips to the Zoo, The Forks, Fun Mountain and much more.

Business Hours are:
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30

Room 416 – 181 Higgins
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 3G1

Telephone: (204) 989-6246
Email: reception@abcentre.org
Website: http://cahrd.org/support-services/